ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

Iberoamerica 2021 №1

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

   This issue starts with the COVID-19 Section focusing on the pandemic consequences and anti-pandemic measures. The author of the first paper, Serguey M. Khenkin,  states that Spain has become one  of the European countries most badly affected by the pandemics and gives several reasons for such “leadership”. The article regards the pandemic's economic, social and political consequences which turned into a strong opposition to the left coalition government in Spain. The next paper centers on the pandemic’s economic effects on the  world and Latin American tourist sector. Its author, Pavel A. Kuchinov, compares the damages caused to the touristic sector produced by the viruses, particularly, SARS, H1N1, H5N1 and EBOLA before and by the COVID-19. The tourism-related bodies’ first steps to mitigate the further damage are analyzed and the tourist sector position recovery possible sceneries are projected. The third article by a Cuban researcher Yarima Pupo Ochoa summarizes the Cuban fighting the pandemic experiences focusing on the special characteristics and the high efficiency of the state public health service system as the main strategy for fighting COVID-19. Both, the drivers for the Cuban strategy optimization and the concrete measures for inhibiting the virus diffusion have been identified in the course of the analysis.

   The economic and political situation in Venezuela is the topic of two following papers. The Venezuelan economy is regarded by the authors of the first one KleidyY.Espinoza M. and Tatiana V. Sidorenko in relation to the oil export and, therefore, to the oil price volatility on the international financial market. The measures aimed at the Venezuelan economy diversification, which have been implemented for many years, in their opinion, have yielded poor results whereas the foreign investment inflow, the scientific –technical development and modern infrastructure implementation are required to get Venezuela out of the crisis. The author of the second article Dmitry M. Rozental studies y pro-government United Socialist Party's (PSUV) inner crisis evidenced by the fragmentation and falling down of the social support. According to the author, to maintain its influence, the party should adapt itself to the new social and political reality and to openly face their competitors.

  The third section of this issue focuses on the violence and the children's right topics. The co-authored paper by the Chilean researches Isaac Ravetllat Balleste and Jairo E. Lucero P. deals with the prospects of the realization of the supraindividual ecological rights set forth in the UN Convention on the Rights of Child and whether they meet the international commitment to observe the due procedures facing the danger caused by the global climatic changes. The topic regarded in the next contribution by the Mexican sociologist J. Kenny Acunha Villavicencio concerns the political violence and ethnic discrimination in Salvador and Guatemala analyzed using the approach developed by the North American researches Jeffery Gould-Aldo Lauria and Charles Hale. It is underlined that with the policies based on the repressions and the marginalization of the peasantry and indigenous strata, the governing classes intended to intensify the public control with the purpose to reorganize the labor and to extend the reproduction of capital. The authors give reasons for which the emerged neoliberal systems have failed to solve the economic and migration crisis.

    The forth section centers on the Iberian topic. The paper by Naila M. Yakovleva regards the proposal of merging Spain and Portugal under the name of Iberolux within the European Union. Given the globalization and crisis circumstances in the world economy, the prominent growth of the cooperation and mutual interests in the same economic space of both countries have prepared conditions for such union. The last article of this issue by Elena V. Astakhova concerns the burning issue of Spanish Crown which is widely discussed in the Spanish society: whether the monarchy is still worth supporting or it should be dropped in favor of the republican form of government. The author points out that monarchy –republic dilemma is used by the different political forces for their benefit. The discussion on this issue is hottest in Catalonia. However, according to the author, the Spaniards have chosen   the parliamentary monarchy for providing  political stability and territorial integrity for  short and medium term.

IBEROAMERICA, Num. 1, 2021 (January – March)



Sergey M.Khenkin. Spanish society in the mirror of the pandemic

Pavel A. Kuchinov. COVID-19. The new world order in the tourism and travel industry

Yarima Pupo Ochoa. Cuban management in the light of COVID-19



Kleidy Y. Espinoza M., Tatiana V. Sidorenko. Oil income dependency and export potential for economic diversification of Venezuela

Dmitry M. Rozental. United Socialist Party of Venezuela: the test by crisis



Isaac Ravetllat Balleste, Jairo E. Lucero P.  Defense of environmental rights in the Convention on the Rights of Child

J. Kenny Acuña Villavicencio. Political violence and racism in El Salvador and Guatemala. A critical reading from the works of Gould-Lauria and Hale



Nailya M. Yakovleva. IBEROLUX: The project and the reality

Elena V. Astakhova.  MONARCHY versus REPUBLIC in the political discourse of modern Spain