ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

Iberoamerica 2017 № 4

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

This issue begins with the paper “Studying the Great Russian Revolution" by Anatoly Torkunov, president of the Moscow State University of International Relations. This article is drawn up on the basis of the report submitted to the special session of the ХIV annual meeting of Valdai international discussion club and is dedicated to the centennial of the Russian Revolution of 1917. It's mentioned there that some established approaches to the revolutionary events of 1917 – 1918 years should be reconsidered; there are also offered the analytical methods enabling to make a fact-based assessment of the revolutionary events in Russia and to dispel some common myths.  In the next section you can find the articles by Vladimir Davydov and Anatoly Borovkov developed on the basis of the reports submitted to the “Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 years in Historical Retrospective” international scientific conference which was held in Moscow in May 2017 in relation to the 100 anniversary of this war. In the first paper, it is remarked that the USA has obtained on Mexico’s account the relevant start up platform for becoming a great power, and then, a superpower while Mexico having lost the 55% of its territory due to the war, was doomed to peripheral position in the world system, became vulnerable for interventions and outer pressure. The author of the second article gives insight into the fact-based and internal reasons of separatism of English- American Texas population, mentions the common moments and essential differences between the annexation of  Texas and incorporation of Crimea into the Russian Federation, pointing out the double standards applied by  the USA administration for assessing these events. In the section "Challenges of the Modernity", Vladimir P.Sudarev mentions the dramatic change in the geopolitical situation in the Occidental hemisphere. In this regard, the author intends to consider the future of the Washington Latin American policy, its impact on the integrations processes in the region, China’s paper and perspectives of interaction between MERCOSUR and the European Union. An English researcher Nubia Nieto considers corruption inhibiting the successful development in both developed and developing countries, one of the severest challenges nowadays. Analyzing the great scale of this phenomenon in public and private sectors, the author of the article assesses its risks and consequences for the society today. The argentinian professor Sergio G. Eissa analyzes the military relations between Russia, China and India with Latin America and concludes that the volume of military interactions of the region with the USA  is incomparably superior to those with Russia, China and India, so all hints about the military danger of these nations are inconsistent and ridiculous. The issue closes with the paper by Ekaterina Kosevich studying the current stage of Mexican–Spanish economic, commercial and cultural relations. The author points out the strategic character of the relations between two countries, and possible negative effects that may be caused by  Donald Trump’s declarations  addressed to Mexico.

IBEROAMERICA Nо 4, 2017 (October-December)



Anatoly V. Torkunov. Studying the Great Russian Revolution



Vladimir M. Davydov. Expropriation of Mexico and formation of the  USA power

             Аnatoly N. Borovkov. Colonization and annexation of Texas




Vladimir P. Sudarev. New geopolitics in the Western Hemisphere

Nubia Nieto. Approaches and consequences of corruption



Sergio G. Eissa. Military relations of China, India and Russia with Latin America:

dangers or opportunities for the region?

Ekaterina Yu. Kosevich. Mexico and Spain: a new stage of relations.