ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

The contract with the author

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

Non-exclusive license agreement №


Moscow “   ” ________________2016


______________________ hereinafter referred to as "Author", intervening in its own name, on the one hand, and the editorial of the Journal IBEROAMÉRICA on behalf of its director Anatoly Borovkov, acting in accordance with the Statutes of the Institute of Latin America of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, hereinafter called "Journal;", on the other hand, hereinafter called "Party / Parties", have concluded this agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") concerning the following:

  1. Subject of the Agreement


1.1. According to this Agreement the Author cedes to the Journal free non-exclusive right to publish his article ____________________________________________________________________________ ,

(Article title and volume, handed to the editors of the Journal)


hereinafter referred to as "Article" within the limits specified in the Agreement and for the time specified in the Agreement.


1.2. The author warrants that it has the exclusive copyright for the article handed to the Journal.


2. Rights and obligations of the Parties


2.1. The author cedes gratuitous (free of charge) to the magazine for the period of 10 years the following rights:

2.1.1. the right to publish the Article in Spanish language in the journal “IBEROAMERICA”, its duplication, reproduction or other reproduction of the article without limiting the circulation of copies at no charge. Each copy of the article must contain the name of its author;

2.1.2. the right to distribute the Article in full or abbreviated form, as well as a resume in any way; including both domestic and foreign electronic media, without making any changes to the content of the Article;

2.1.3. the right to assign, under contractual terms, partially or completely the received under this contract rights to third parties without payment of author's remuneration, always observing the commitments set forth in the above;

2.2. The author guarantees that the Article, the right to use which are transferred under this Agreement to the Journal, is the original work of the author, have never been published or accepted for publication in other media

2.3. The author grants the right to the Journal under the present Agreement on the basis of a non-exclusive license. This means that it can provide to other publishers the right to publish or translate it into other languages followed by the publication of this article, provided that a reference that the original version was first published in the magazine "IBEROAMERICA" indicating the year and the number is made.

2.4. The Journal reserves the right to refuse the author the publication of the article if it is not accepted by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

2.5. All issues related to abridgments, additions, changes of the title and the redaction of the Article will be agreed between the Parties.


2.6. The author also reserves the right to deny to the Journal the right to publish the article in case of disagreeing with the edited text.

2.7. The date of signature of this Agreement by both Parties shall be the time of transfer to the Journal of the rights set forth in this Agreement.

2.8. The Journal is committed to respecting copyrights provided by current law.

2.9. The territory, on which the right to use Article is allowed, is not limited.


3. Responsibilities of the parties


3.1. Parties bear, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, financial and other legal responsibility for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

3.2. The party, which fulfills improperly or fails to fulfill its obligations under this agreement, shall compensate the other Party the losses.

4. About confidentiality


4.1. The clauses of this Agreement and any additional agreements thereto are confidential and cannot be disclosed.


5. Final clauses


5.1. All disputes and disagreements between the parties arising out of this Agreement shall be settled by negotiations, and if they fail, these disputes shall be settled in court in accordance with applicable Russian legislation.

6.1. This Agreement enters into force from the moment of its signing by both Parties.

6.2. This Agreement shall remain in force until full compliance by Parties of their commitments here stipulated.

6.3. The termination of this Agreement is possible at any time by mutual consent of the Parties, with the obligatory signing of a respective agreement by the Parties.

6.4. The termination of this Agreement unilaterally is possible in the cases specified by current law or by court decision.

7.2. Any changes or additions to this Agreement enters into force only if they are made in written form and signed by both parties.

7.3. In all that is not covered by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the regulations of the law of the Russian Federation.

7.4. This agreement has been signed in two copies of equal content and equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.


               Journal                                                   Author (Address, Telephone, E-mail)






Anatoly N. Borovkov                                                                                                                                                                                    

       Moscow, 115035,                                                            

      B. Ordynka, 21                                                            

  Tel: (495) 951-51-03                                                       
