ISSN 2075-9711 (печатная версия)
ISSN 2076-8400 (электронная версия)
Ежеквартальный научный журнал на испанском языке.Издается ИЛА РАН
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Quarterly peer reviewed scientific journal published in Spanish language by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ILA RAS)
ISSN 2075-9711 (Print)
ISSN 2076-8400 (Online)
Revista científica trimestral en español. Editada por el Instituto de Latinoamérica de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia (ILA ACR)

Iberoamerica 2020 №1

  • Русский
  • English
  • Español

   This issue begins with today´s Brazil section containing three articles. The first one analyses the Brazilian approaches to BRICS in different historical periods.The authors Evgueny M. Astakhov y Elena V. Astakhova regard Brazil´s initiative role in advancing the very  BRICS concept and in consolidating of this group as from its birth.  The ongoing Brazilian policy towards BRICS is given a deep insight, particularly, the period after Jair Bolsonaro´s election as president, whose figure is associated with the right turn in Brazil foreign policy.  Brazil´s simultaneous membership in IBSA and BRICS geopolitical projects is the topic of the second paper by Olga G. Leonova where having evaluated the last BRICS summit results, held in Brazil in November 2019, and made a comparative analysis of the IBSA and BRICS relevance for Brazil, the author concludes that Brazil will continue as a member of BRICS as long as this group has a status of dialogue forum. Should it be institutionalized, it is highly probable that Brazil will decide on the politically neutral IBSA. The third article of this section concerns the Brazilian identity evolution through the prism of the language. The author, Olga Yu. Kornienko shows how the changes in the social economic life activated  new word-formation mechanisms and  illustrated them  by the concrete examples from the Brazilian version of the Portuguese language. Economic changes in Brazil are analyzed in the terms of the Long Cycles mechanism by Nikolai Kondratiev.

   The next section regards the army´s role in the current Latin America political system and the emerged new political actors. The armed forces' relations with trade unions, left and right political parties in several Latin American countries are reviewed in the paper Latin American Military between the Left and the Right by Alexey A. Manukhin. Diverse military-civil relations models are compared. The military´s role in the electoral processes and their relevance in the national policy main questions are other topics of this research. Marianna G. Abramova studies the evangelists’, particularly, neo – Pentecostals’ impact on the today's political life in Latin America and reports her conclusions that in all Latin American countries the neo –Pentecostals have become highly relevant political actors as they meet the new moral and ethic needs of the people who disagrees with liberal gender agenda. The author offers a classification of the Latin American Countries according the neo – Pentecostals ranking in the respective political processes.

   The third section of this issue treats the strategies combating transnational organized crime in Latin America. The author of the first article of this section, Colombian researcher Pedro Piedrahita Bustamante analyzes the legislation and jurisprudence on Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) in Latin America to establish the treatment that 20 countries of Latin America give to 14 crimes through the adaptation of their norms and judicial decisions for the implementation of the Palermo Convention of the year 2000. The mixed methodology (quantitative-qualitative) allowed an approach from the descriptive and comparative statistics to the time that a hermeneutic analysis is carried out. Ekaterina Yu. Kosevich, the author of the other article reviews the cybersecurity strategies´ key aspects of Colombia. Panama, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Chile y Mexico. Their main goals are examined, and the relevant services, bodies and institutions responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the results of these strategies are listed. The paper gives insight of the cybersecurity system in Brazil where the highest number of cybercrimes In South American region is registered.

    In the section cryptocurrency and its role, Elizaveta A. Mosakova in her paper National Cryptocurrency as Venezuela’s Economic Development Factor in the 21st Century focuses on specific features of Petro (PTR) and its operation as Venezuelan national cryptocurrency. The main conclusion drawn from the research is that the introduction of the national cryptocurrency had produced a positive impact on the economic development of the country, particularly: it resulted in an increase in the number of financial transactions within the country; it led to additional opportunities concerning exchanges with other countries and international financing of Venezuela by third parties; the cryptocurrency contributed to the integration of Venezuela into a new type of the world market.

    The last article give consideration to the success of the Portuguese Socialist party ehich has been governing as from 2015 being supported by the left forces in the parliament. The author of the article Nailya M. Yakovleva indicates that for the four years under socialists´ rule, Portugal has improved both the national socioeconomic indicators and international image and was acclaimed by the world media for successful escaping from the crisis. The author believes that analysis of the socialists´ success factors is important for understanding the upcoming vicissitudes and results of the presidential elections scheduled for January 2021.

IBEROAMERICA, Num. 1, 2020 (january - march)



Evgueny M. Astakhov, Elena V. Astakhova. Brazil – BRICS: from Lula da Silva to Bolsonaro

Olga G. Leonova. Brazil between IBSA and BRICS

Olga Yu. Kornienko. Brazilian identity evolution through the prism of the language


Alexey A. Manukhin. Latin American military between the left and the right

Marianna G. Abramova. Neopentecostals in Latin America: decline of public policies or new political actors of the XXI century?


Pedro Piedrahita Bustamante. Legislative and jurisprudential management of transnational organized crime in Latin America

Ekaterina Yu. Kosevich. Cyber security strategies of Latin America countries


Elizaveta A. Mosakova. National cryptocurrency as Venezuela’s economic development factor in the 21st century


Nailya M. Yakovleva. Portugal: successes of the socialist party in the election mirror